Visiting Scholars

The UH Mānoa Uehiro Academy regularly invites scholars, researchers, and educators interested in philosophy Hawai‘i research and programs as visiting scholars. The Uehiro Academy works closely with the Faculty and Scholars Immigration Services (FSIS) unit on campus to officially host international visiting scholars.


Prospective International Visiting Scholars — Please contact Dr. Ben Lukey ( or another faculty sponsor at the Academy with whom you would like to work (based on mutual research and/or professional interest). All visiting scholars must be hosted by a member of the Uehiro Academy and work with an Uehiro Academy faculty sponsor. It is best that interested scholars study our website and learn about the work that our faculty are doing and see where there may be mutual interest towards a fruitful collaboration.

It is the responsibility of the visiting scholar to meet all University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa policy requirements and procedure related to their visit. Here are more helpful links:

  •  Office of Faculty and Scholar Immigration Services | FSIS Home

FSIS provides immigration assistance to University of Hawai‘i (UH ) departments and international scholars and employees across the UH System.

  • International Faculty & Scholars | IFS Home

The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa International website connects to all things International on the Mānoa campus.

Current Visiting Scholars

Dr. Tomoyuki Murase is a Research Scholar at the University of Hawai’i Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education. He has about 15 years of experience with p4c in schools in Japan. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Chiba University in Japan. He is currently trying to clarify the concept of wonder and teacher ability in p4c.

Yuya Koga is a visiting scholar at the UHM and a social studies teacher at Kaetsu Ariake Junior & Senior High School in Tokyo. He has been doing p4c inside and outside of school since 2011, published some papers, and participated in collaborative writing books about p4c. He has also made some contributions to social studies education in Japan, like reviewing a textbook or getting an interview with an international news network, CNA. He came to Hawai‘i during his 2024 sabbatical to experience the Academy’s sustained and respectful support for teachers and to make existing connections among teachers more broad and accessible. And he has been having lots of fruitful interactions with members of the Academy, especially enjoying serving as TA for Dr. J.

Takako Murase was born and raised in Tokyo. She has a Masters from Osaka University. When she was a graduate student in clinical philosophy, she first encountered “philosophy with/for children(p4c)” and has been involved in its practice, investigation, and research ever since. She has experience with children’s philosophy in various settings including kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, lifelong learning centers, art museums, galleries, cafes and events. In 2014, she founded a non-profit organization on philosophy practice in Japan with her colleagues and is currently the vice president of the board. She also works as an art manager. She likes to create spaces and moments where children and adults can express their creativity. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Hawaiʻi Uehiro Academy since November 2024. She  wonders “What is ‘p4c?'” and is interested in how children learn about and do p4c in elementary schools in Hawaiʻi.

p4cHI Certificate Program

The p4cHI UHM COE Graduate Certificate meets the ever growing demand for local, national, and international p4cHI practitioners. It is a recognized institutional pathway that develops, verifies, and officially recognizes p4cHI practitioners. All p4cHI UHM COE Graduate Certificate completers are recognized on their diploma and transcript.


The p4cHI College of Education Graduate Certificate is administered collaboratively by faculty in the UHM COE (School of Teacher Education & Curriculum Studies Department) and UHM College of Arts Languages and Letters (Philosophy Department & Uehiro Academy).

The UHM COE faculty are Drs:

  • Amber Makaiau (School of Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies, Uehiro Academy)
  • Chad Miller (School of Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies, Uehiro Academy)
  • Thomas Jackson (Philosophy, Uehiro Academy, COE graduate faculty)
  • Benjamin Lukey (Philosophy, Uehiro Academy)
  • Thomas Yos (Uehiro Academy)

This group of faculty members from the COE, Philosophy Department, and Uehiro Academy work collaboratively in advising students and assessing the student portfolios at the end of the certificate program. The assignment of particular faculty members to individual students in the certificate program depends on areas of expertise and balancing of time available. Students will meet with an advisor a minimum of three times throughout the course of the program, including an initial meeting, and a pre and post portfolio meeting.

Admissions requirements:

Graduate status at the University of Hawai‘i. For non-UH Mānoa students, the prerequisite is a BA degree (or equivalent), and those students who do not wish to enroll in a degree program may register for the courses through Outreach College. All applicants must submit and/or complete the following during the p4cHI certificate program application process:

  1. Post-secondary Transcript with a 2.75 GPA or higher;
  2. Statement of Purpose, specifically detailing interests in pursuing p4cHI certificate;
  3. Two Letters of Recommendation; and
  4. Personal Interview
Course requirements:

Fifteen credit hours are required. Students will need to achieve a 3.0 or higher on the fifteen required credit hours.

PHIL 492* Philosophy with Children (PHIL 492) is an introductory course to p4cHI and examines the theory and practice of doing philosophy in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms.
PHIL 493* Teaching Philosophy (PHIL 493) is a supervised practicum in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms for students who wish to learn how to facilitate philosophical inquiry with students.
PHIL 725** Philosophical Topics- Philosophy, Childhood, and Education (PHIL 725) examines issues, theories, perspectives and problems that philosophers, from a variety of cultural backgrounds and historical contexts, have tackled over the past 2500 years. The goal of the course is to  provide educators with a philosophical “grounding” that promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection, and develops skills necessary for becoming a teacher-philosopher.
EDCS 622G** Curriculum Leadership (K-14) (622G) Foundation for critical study of curriculum development and improvement from the perspective of teacher leaders. Online/hybrid sections available; (G) K-14.
EDCS 630** Cultural Diversity and Education (EDCS 630) Examines issues, theories, perspectives and practices in multicultural education and promotes awareness, encourages knowledgeable reflection and develops skills necessary for multicultural practitioners. A-F only. (Cross-listed as EDEF 630)

*These unique 400 level philosophy courses are long standing, essential, and established Philosophy for Children courses, which both meet the needs of undergraduate students and the graduate students enrolled in the UHM COE p4cHI Graduate Certificate Program.

**PHIL 725, EDCS 622G, EDCS 630 are all required courses in the The MEd-CS, Progressive Philosophy and Pedagogy program, which will award the p4cHI COE Graduate Certificate upon successful completion of the program. In addition to these courses being offered as required courses in the MEd-CS, Progressive Philosophy and Pedagogy program–PHIL 725 is regularly offered by UHM Uehiro Academy faculty and EDCS 622G and EDCS 630 are regularly offered in the Curriculum Studies Department because 622G is required for all graduate students enrolled in department programs and EDCS 630 is offered regularly by Curriculum Studies faculty.

p4cHI COE Graduate Certificate Culminating Project Portfolio:

At the end of the certificate program, students will complete a final required portfolio that demonstrates evidence of p4cHI practice in three areas: planning, instruction, and assessment. Portfolios will be graded as a pass/fail with only students with passing portfolios receiving the certificate.

Portfolios will include:

  • Application Letter
  • PHIL 492 Final Project Reflection
  • Planning for Instruction and Assessment:
    • One Exemplar p4cHI Lesson Plan (see p4cHI lesson plan rubric for specific requirements)
  • Instructing and Engaging Students and Learning:
    • One Exemplar Ten Minute Video Clip
    • One Written Instruction Commentary
  • Assessing for Student Learning:
    • Two Exemplar Student Samples, Assessment Tools, & Feedback
    • Written Assessment Commentary
  • Field – Formal Observations:
    • One Formal Observation and feedback from a qualified p4cHI HIDOE teacher at a model school or a UAPEE faculty member
  • Culminating Final Product with Written Final Reflection and Public Presentation
To apply: 

Please email pdf copies of the following items to Dr. Amber Strong Makaiau at (1) Post-Secondary Transcript, (2) Resume, and (3) Statement of Purpose. Have your two letters of recommendation sent to this email address as well. Upon receipt of all the documents, Dr. Makaiau will contact you via email to set up a date for your personal interview. If you need assistance throughout the interview process, please email Dr. Makaiau with your questions.

International students who are already physically present at UHM on a student visa and enrolled in a UHM degree program are welcome to take the certificate, provided they continue to be in compliance with their visa regulations. At the time being, we are unfortunately unable to offer the certificate to international applicants who are not ALREADY in the U.S. on an approved non-immigrant visa.
Degree Programs

UH Manoa Philosophy Department

The Executive Director of the Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education, Dr. Thomas E. Jackson is a full time Specialist in the UHM Philosophy Department. In addition, other faculty in the Uehiro Academy work closely with the department on the development of programming, as course instructors, and as committee members for graduate degrees. Click here to learn more about the study opportunities and programs offered by the UHM Philosophy Department:

UH Manoa College of Education

Dr. Amber Strong Makaiau and Dr. Chad Miller are full time Associate Specialists in the UHM College of Education Institute for Teacher Education Secondary Program. In addition, other faculty in the Uehiro Academy work closely with the COE (in a wide array of departments) on the development of programming, as course instructors, and as committee members for graduate degrees. Click here to learn more about the study opportunities and programs offered by the UHM College of Education:

Professional Development

Uehiro Academy faculty work closely with the Hawai’i State Department of Education to offer p4cHI workshops and Professional Development courses. To learn more about p4cHI opportunities through the DOE and/or UH Mānoa, please contact Dr. Ben Lukey ( In addition, continue to check the Uehiro Academy home page for workshop announcements.

We also partner with the Professional Development Center (PDC) at Hana’hauoli School. To learn more please visit their website:

p4cHI Summer Symposium

To meet the growing worldwide interest in p4cHI, the UH Uehiro Academy is bringing together students, educators, and community members from across the world through our Summer Symposium. Details regarding the next p4c Hawai’i Summer Symposium Series to come.