Can I assume that my actions can affect more than myself?
What do we mean by “nothing”?
Do we think technology influences the way we think?
Can I assume a school system should be responsible for the death of a student being bullied?
Who is more to blame for the behavior; the two boys who behaved as bullies or as a society as a whole?
Besides “because of science says so,” are there logical reasons why our brain is the last part of our body to develop?
Could the student prevent this from happening?
If dinosaurs and dragons lived with us, would that be a good or bad idea?
Can bullying have some benefits?
Do you control the virtue or do the virtues control you?
What are the reasons why a person has to fail in order to succeed?
Can social media–a thing that consumes our daily lives–affect our future?
What are the reasons people think they need to live up to their stereotypes to identify as their ethnicity?
Are there different levels of difficulties for obstacles we face in life?
What are the reasons we have the right to pursue happiness, but not be happy?
Why do people bully if they know there are negative consequences to it?
What are the reasons the crusades were created in the first place? Was it power or religion?
Why do people bully? What are the reasons people need drastic consequences before change is made?
What are the reasons kids are afraid to stand up to parents for what they believe?
Why is society getting worse?
Can I assume growing around drugs and alcohol will influence a person to do the same or inspire them to totally do the opposite?
What are the effect of punishment?
Is it safe to assume alcohol is worse than marijuana because there are more alcohol related deaths than marijuana?
What do bullies think of themselves?
If psychology says people’s behavior is dictated by a set of variety of variables, then what are the reasons we can relate to people brought up differently than us?
Are there ever good reasons for getting into a physical fight?
What influences you to make decisions?
Why do people bully? Why do many receive consequences for the actions of the few?
Is it a good idea if everyone in the world had a magic hat and a magic wand?
What are the reasons we continuously put ourselves in bad situations for a short period of excitement or joy?
Is the unexamined life not worth living?
What are the reasons some people are homeless?
What prevents children from exploring and discussing questions that make them feel anxious?
What are the reasons success is often based off of a diploma?
Why did Columbus think Native Americans were animals?
Is it fair to assume that urbanization challenged our ideas of morality?
What prevents children from exploring and discussing questions that make them feel anxious?
If the government didn’t exist, would people branch out and still make a system to follow and remain civil? In other words, is a form of government or control destined to be made?
Is it always true that teachers follow the rules?
What makes a person follow others and how does a person become an independent thinker?
At what age do we become an adult?
Do we need an inspirational person to look up to or do we want an inspirational person to look up to?
What are the reasons we let some things hold us back and prevent us from moving forward?
Are your friends only friends with you because you are good at something?
What are the reasons a “normal life” seems a negative? Do you have to be something extraordinary to be extraordinary?
If disorders are so common, especially in America, what or who determines the standard of “normal”?
What are the reasons we are so afraid of death?
What are the reasons people don’t stand up for themselves when they know they can?
Are we killing kids’ imaginations? How different would the world be if none of us lost our sense of imagination?
Do we need to study to change the world?
What are the reasons we feel the need to connect with people through Facebook, Instagram, etc.?
Can I assume that seeing life through another language would help people understand one another better?
What decides your fate? You or others?
Is it always true that cars can go everywhere?
What if we could ride on a cloud?
What will happen to the earth in a million years?
If it is true that violence and substance abuse are cyclical, then what would it take to end that cycle? What makes someone change their fate?
What are the reasons some people are able to manage their impulsivity better than others?
Are you stronger after defeat or after success?
What are the reasons science is deemed more important than cultural beliefs?
How does God make people who are scared of heights not be so scared of heights when they go up to heaven?
How should we choose our friends?
Is the earth living?
What is happiness and is it attainable?
What are the reasons people are racist?
Are we born with the right to be happy or do we need a government or constitution to grant us this right?
What happens to people who don’t have a choice? Does this fate become “God’s” will?
Are drugs a “gateway” to the unseen?
If every culture has something to do with another, do we all live in one big culture?
Can I assume nothing stays the same, everything is evolving?
What are the reasons people cannot self-control to stop themselves?
When should we be able to freely choose what we put into or do to our bodies? What are the reasons we assume one’s age defines the limits?
What are the reasons enough is never enough? Is satisfaction just an illusion?
If a law is unfair to one person, is it an unfair law?
If we say death isn’t such a big deal, then what are the reasons we fear it so much?
If you have kids, are you obligated to love them?
Is there really something that is impossible?
If many of the people in the world have the same virtues, can I assume we are all the same? But if that is the case what are the reasons we see each other so differently?
What do mean by “people”?
Do characters who are half-human/half-creature count as people (ex: Ursula)?
Do characters who change from animal to human or vice versa count as people (ex: The Beast changes into the Prince)?
Do witches and fairies/fairy godmothers count as people since they can be in human form?
If they do not count as “people”, then we can infer that there are always magical people. For example, in Sleeping Beauty no “people” have magic. It all resides in fairies and witches.
If they do count as “people” then YES, we can infer that there are always magical people in fairy tales. This would lead us to determine “magic” is an element of all fairy tales.
What do we mean by magic?
If one character puts a spell/curse on another, is that character now considered “magical” or just a recipient of someone’s magic (ex: Pinocchio, the tea pot in Beauty and the Best was once a woman)?
If they do count as “people,” the question should be reworded to state “magical individuals”?